The stereotypical family – as described in my last blog entry
(heterosexual couple and their biological children) – is sometimes referred to
by sociologists (and others) as the ‘cereal packet family’. That is the family
most often depicted as ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ (words I question and challenge),
not least in social policy and through media representations such as adverts.
We could just as easily refer to this family type as the gravy boat family or
the washing powder family. . . I could go on. In addition to the rigid
structure at play here watching British TV we could also often be forgiven for
believing that white, able bodied people are the only ones who shop. Difference
and diversity then – both in terms of family construction and social
stratification – are often missing from these images. At this time of year a
dominant image is the ‘Family Christmas’. However, for some a representation of
Diwali, Hanukkah, or indeed no festival at all, would be much more appropriate.
This is just one example of cultural difference for in reality not only are
there many different family forms but also different family practices;
different ways of doing family life (Morgan 1996). Furthermore, ‘kinship’ is
much more fluid than traditional conceptions and current policy makers often
imply. So affection and obligation towards others is not solely, or even, based
on blood ties or marriage vows.
Private family life has long been pictorially displayed through,
for example, cave drawings, art and photography. The growth of family
photography as a social practice began with the professional production of the
family portrait in photos such as this and later shifted to an amateur social
activity through which ‘the family’ recorded itself. The family album is both
very private and yet historically has conformed to the rigidly standardised
cultural form and consisted of visual memories that record special times
and positive emotions, happy times and events. Facebook and similar (including
blogs such as this) subvert some previous conventions as our personal
photographs and albums become permanently public for all to see.
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